Jun 23Liked by Kolina Cicero

Such wonderful insight. And truth.

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Reading is a salve for all the ailments!

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Jun 22Liked by Kolina Cicero

This was wonderful Kolina. I buy into the “shoulds“ more than I’d like to admit. Sometimes, even while reading a book. 😡

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I totally get it!! I’m always thinking that. Somehow reading helps me escape the shoulds. (However, if I’m not loving a book, the shoulds return and I think I should put it down and pick something else up.)

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Jun 19Liked by Kolina Cicero

what a wonderful read! reading was one of my only sources of reprieve during my master’s degree for this very reason and you’ve so beautifully put that feeling into word 💕

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I read a lot while getting my masters as well! And I never understood how I managed it until right this very second. It was a way to quiet the judgement and the chaos in my mind. Thanks so much 🥰🥰🥰

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This is beautiful, Kolina. I think you've captured why I love reading so much. It gives my otherwise too busy mind a moment of calm. Right now I'm between books but planning to start The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo tonight.

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Yes that’s exactly it! Reading is an escape in so many ways. I haven’t ready anything by Leigh Bardugo yet! Lmk how it is!

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This is so lovely, Kolina! I'm with you, reading definitely quiets my mind and let's me be still. Also, the Ocean Vuong is so good; I can only imagine how much better it is having him read it!

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It’s amazing how still our minds can become when immersed in a good story!

I really want to read the physical copy of Ocean’s book (I tend to concentrate better that way) but hearing him narrate it is unbelievable. Request it from your local library and listen to it on Libby!

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Jun 14Liked by Kolina Cicero

So much of this rang true for me! I tend to 'over-function' as a sort of self-protective response I learned from living with undiagnosed ADHD for so long... but when I pick up a book, all of that seems to fall away!

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Yes! Everything falls by the wayside as we immerse ourselves in beautiful stories. It's amazing how many people seem to feel the same way as me, but reading cures it all!

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Books are balm 🥰

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The very best kind! ✨

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Yes, I love how you have put these feelings into words -- like you just reached into my mind! I'm always questioning how I can do better, but when I'm immersed in a book all of those thoughts and feelings just go away. I never feel more grounded than when I'm reading 🤎

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Y E S! There’s nothing better! 🤍

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Jun 13Liked by Kolina Cicero

This is such a good insight! I'm holding on to it! (Also, in advice you didn't ask for: Release yourself from the need to sign your kids up for all the activities. Play to them is like reading to you--keep that space for them! 💕)

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Thank you! And that’s a really good reminder. Fortunately they get PLENTY of play now that it’s summer 🤗🥴

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i love that you put this into words because i feel THE EXACT SAME WAY!!! This is sort of different but even things like TV don’t capture my attention like reading does- my mind always goes elsewhere. Reading is the thing that grounds me. Lovely piece 💗

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Reading is grounding, that's exactly it! So glad you feel the same way. It's just the most beautiful escapism, and really the only time I'm not judging myself.

Thank you for reading, EJ!!

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