Ciao! I Will definitely give a try to the quickening some day!
Ahahah babbani doesn't mean anything but strangely it sounds like the perfect word 😁 I don't know if there is a reason after that, I can only think about the word babbeo that means someone very simple and fool. Silente was probably chosen for the silence surrounding a wise person. This brought me to think that you are reading the first translations of the books that were made while the saga of Harry potter was not yet completed. If I am not wrong the new editions have the same name as in the original.
When the books came out I believe the first translators did not know where this stories were headed so they translated that way, the names in Italian reminds to a concept of the names in English.
The movies also have the names you find in the first translations. You might search for a list of translated name so it would be easier to navigate 😅 but since you already know the story this won't be a problem for you!
Concerning my readings I'm in the middle of il cammino del sale (The Salt Path - Rynor Winn) what an adventure!
I recently finished Delitto e Castigo (Crime and punishment) and Le braci by Sandor Marai (Embers).
I don't know if you are comfortable with listening to audiobooks in Italian but the reading of Harry Potter by Francesco Pannofino is amazing (he is also the voice of Hagrid in the movies!)
Okay wow!! That’s such an interesting perspective about the edition I’m reading. You must be right!! I will probably be able to guess what house is what with context but I may look it up anyway.
Thank you for all of this! And for sharing the books you’re reading! I really enjoy hearing from you 💓
Ciao Kolina! this sounds like a great book and a scary one 😅 when almost 15 years ago I decided to stop eating meat and fish for the sake of our planet and its inhabitants I read and watch everything I could and I have reached a point when I got anxious about our future as humans and nowadays reading about our planet and the changes we are contributing to, makes me anxious again and I usually avoid to read such books because of that. (Or maybe I prefer to close my eyes and avoid the topic?) But deep inside I'm always desperate to know about this and maybe this book might be a good one to restart getting close to the topic.
Good for you that you are reading HP e la pietra filosofale, I am curious to know what you think about the choice of the names to translate all the houses and the specific vocabulary (like babbani 😁) of one of my favourite books!!
Ciao Lara! Wow, it sounds like you've done your part to combat climate change! There is only so much we can do, and I agree, it's very anxiety-inducing! The Quickening is both great AND scary, but it doesn't leave you feeling terrified. She does a nice job of providing some facts about the glaciers melting, but most of the story is about the people she went on the voyage with, plus her story about wanting a child. It's not doomsday!
HP e la pietra filosofale è molto divertente! I don't understand every word but it's a good book for me to read in Italian because I know the story well enough. I haven't gotten to the houses (Harry hasn't arrived at Hogwarts yet!) but I am confused by Prof. Dumbledore! Silente? Come mai??? And Babbani I thought was funny, though I have no understanding of what that word means (if anything) in Italian.
What are you reading now?? It's nice to know a reader in Italia! ❤️
This was excellent. Thank you so much for writing about this. This is a constant conversation in our house and I think both my husband and I need to give this a read.
Ciao! I Will definitely give a try to the quickening some day!
Ahahah babbani doesn't mean anything but strangely it sounds like the perfect word 😁 I don't know if there is a reason after that, I can only think about the word babbeo that means someone very simple and fool. Silente was probably chosen for the silence surrounding a wise person. This brought me to think that you are reading the first translations of the books that were made while the saga of Harry potter was not yet completed. If I am not wrong the new editions have the same name as in the original.
When the books came out I believe the first translators did not know where this stories were headed so they translated that way, the names in Italian reminds to a concept of the names in English.
The movies also have the names you find in the first translations. You might search for a list of translated name so it would be easier to navigate 😅 but since you already know the story this won't be a problem for you!
Concerning my readings I'm in the middle of il cammino del sale (The Salt Path - Rynor Winn) what an adventure!
I recently finished Delitto e Castigo (Crime and punishment) and Le braci by Sandor Marai (Embers).
I don't know if you are comfortable with listening to audiobooks in Italian but the reading of Harry Potter by Francesco Pannofino is amazing (he is also the voice of Hagrid in the movies!)
Okay wow!! That’s such an interesting perspective about the edition I’m reading. You must be right!! I will probably be able to guess what house is what with context but I may look it up anyway.
Thank you for all of this! And for sharing the books you’re reading! I really enjoy hearing from you 💓
Awee thatk you 💕 I really love exchanging thoughts with you too! Enjoy your harry potter reading!
Ciao Kolina! this sounds like a great book and a scary one 😅 when almost 15 years ago I decided to stop eating meat and fish for the sake of our planet and its inhabitants I read and watch everything I could and I have reached a point when I got anxious about our future as humans and nowadays reading about our planet and the changes we are contributing to, makes me anxious again and I usually avoid to read such books because of that. (Or maybe I prefer to close my eyes and avoid the topic?) But deep inside I'm always desperate to know about this and maybe this book might be a good one to restart getting close to the topic.
Good for you that you are reading HP e la pietra filosofale, I am curious to know what you think about the choice of the names to translate all the houses and the specific vocabulary (like babbani 😁) of one of my favourite books!!
Ciao Lara! Wow, it sounds like you've done your part to combat climate change! There is only so much we can do, and I agree, it's very anxiety-inducing! The Quickening is both great AND scary, but it doesn't leave you feeling terrified. She does a nice job of providing some facts about the glaciers melting, but most of the story is about the people she went on the voyage with, plus her story about wanting a child. It's not doomsday!
HP e la pietra filosofale è molto divertente! I don't understand every word but it's a good book for me to read in Italian because I know the story well enough. I haven't gotten to the houses (Harry hasn't arrived at Hogwarts yet!) but I am confused by Prof. Dumbledore! Silente? Come mai??? And Babbani I thought was funny, though I have no understanding of what that word means (if anything) in Italian.
What are you reading now?? It's nice to know a reader in Italia! ❤️
This was excellent. Thank you so much for writing about this. This is a constant conversation in our house and I think both my husband and I need to give this a read.
And thank you for reading!
Yes, it’s a wonderful read! Let me know if you do read it!
This one has moved to the top of my reading list!
It’s on the bookshelf 🤓