Welcome to Words on Words — where readers discuss what we love about literature.

This is our space to discuss books, reading habits, and anything pertaining to literature.

I have a great interest in creativity and ambition as they pertain to our habits and, thus, our lives. I am fascinated by productivity and time management, and one of the areas I dedicate much of my time to is reading. Words on Words is a synthesis of all the reading and writing I devote so much of my time to.

What can I expect?

A free Thursday morning email related to:

  • books / reading

  • creativity / ambition

I read all kinds of books, but my biggest interest is literary fiction. I read backlist titles (those published before this year) and new releases. I dabble with nonfiction and I read both traditionally- and indie-published books. I have a hard time passing up a recommendation, so if you have something for me, please share it!

Who is the author?

I’m Kolina Cicero. Since I was eight years old, or maybe even before I wrote the audacious list of goals below, I knew writing was my thing.

Professionally, I write for all sorts of people in all sorts of ways (freelance writing, grant writing, ghost writing, etc), but here is where I write for me and for the readers who wish to join me. I am also the author of the children’s book ROSIE AND THE HOBBY FARM, just finished my first novel (and signed with a literary agent! hooray!) and am now drafting my second novel.

In short: I write a lot. I also read a lot. Words on Words is the culmination of these introverted tendencies. This is the space in which I get to interact, and I hope you will, too!

Thank you for reading. Time is your most valuable asset, and I appreciate you spending it with me.

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Where readers discuss what we love about literature • By Kolina Cicero


Kolina Cicero is a writer of fiction who is interested in how absence shapes our lives. She writes the Substack newsletter Words on Words. kolinacicero.com